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Hangzhou "Green City Spring to Xiao Garden" sales office hot attack!

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You are prompted in effective answers, in terms of extraction, in terms of electricity, in terms of about boarding, in terms of saving your valuable time

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✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

Under the strategic background of "urban eastward expansion", Xiaoyuan in Spring is the first real handshake between Greentown and the main city of Hangzhou in chengdong era. This is known as after xi Xi cheng Yuan, green city ten years in the main city of the quality of the market, can be regarded as this era rare treasures.

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以大盘为基,筑境主城。总建筑面积约20万方的主城罕有大盘规模,配置仅约2.0的城东罕有园区低容积率、约* * %的高配绿化率指标,足以实现一个包容近* 万方现代园林景观、囊括逾千户业主的大型社区。这些核心指标的锁定,充分体现出这是绿城在杭州主城开发的,足以延续西溪诚园、兰园、留香园等经典品质大盘定位的臻萃之作。

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Based on the market, build the main city. The main city with a total construction area of about 200,000 square meters rarely has a large scale. The low plot ratio and high greening rate of about * * % in the east of the city, which are configured only about 2.0, are enough to realize a large community containing nearly * 0,000 square meters of modern garden landscape and more than 1,000 owners. These core indicators of the lock, fully reflects that this is green city in Hangzhou main city development, enough to continue xixi Cheng Park, Orchid garden, stay sweet garden and other classic quality market positioning of the best

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绿城的案名,从来不是随便取的,说柳岸晓风,因为它在江边;说晓风印月,因为它继承柳岸晓风的风采。春来晓园也一样,它寓意了绿城的雄心。春来晓园就坐落于城东新城,处于德胜高架与秋石高架交汇的“黄金十字”,离正在建造中的地铁* 号线枸桔弄站直线距离大约* 00米,离东站枢纽也不过一站路。“东方欲晓,莫道春行早。踏遍青山人未老,风景这边独好。”虽然城市一再扩容,但市中心是恒定的永远。由武林商圈——城东新城——钱江新城所构成的市中心“铁三角”,是这座城市中心的代言,也构成这座城市至高无上的荣耀。

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he name of the case of greentown, never casually, said liuan xiao Feng, because it is in the river; Xiao Feng printed on the moon, because it inherited the elegant demeanour of liu An Xiao feng. Spring to xiao Yuan is the same, it implies the ambition of green city. Chunlai Xiaoyuan is located in the east new City, at the intersection of Desheng viaduct and Qiushi Viaduct. It is about * 00 meters away from the tongjunong station of subway Line * under construction, and only one stop from the east Station hub. "The East wants to dawn, Mo Daochun go early. I am not old when I walk all over the castle peak. The scenery here is good." Although the city expands again and again, the downtown is a constant forever. The city center "iron Triangle" composed of Wulin business circle -- east New City -- Qianjiang New City is the representative of the city center and also constitutes the supreme glory of the city.

✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】


✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

Another meaning of "xiao" is "knowing", which includes self-recognition and re-recognition of land value. Greentown is very strong, but every new project, or every new work, is trying to transcend my past cognition. The reason why greentown all the way "green powder" to follow, in addition to the excellent quality, is brave to the self challenge. The east new city is also very good, with the gateway and hub position on the traffic, before the arrival of the green city, there are also many housing enterprises here, the housing enterprises also mostly bring their own classic series, but even so, it still makes people feel that there is a little bit of sense, or lack of a wulin no. 1 in wulin; Mixc plays a decisive role like Qianjiang New Town. And this time, greentown came.

✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】


✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

Greentown's ability to give new value to the plate, we have seen it all the time. From the earliest green garden, it gave Huanglong epoch-making residential, and pushed himself to the summit of hangzhou's first generation of top hao; Later orchid Garden, let the Wulin business circle re-youth, its fresh and elegant style, in Hangzhou luxury market unique; Last year, qin Yuan, which became famous, promoted the luxury houses in Hangzhou from the aesthetic level. After The Oriental Mansion, Shen Hua continued her representative works. Spring to Xiao Yuan is the same, it is born to reshape the east new city.

✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

春来晓园效果图春来晓园的容积率仅为2.0,是市中心最为低密的一宗地。如果以利益最大化论,本该规划“高低配”——高层+排屋的组合,那样一定最赚钱。绿城最终放弃了这种极致的利益至上,而将项目还原成了每家每户更为舒适的均好性,其最终形态,由1* 0-1* 0 m²的精装洋房和9* -1* 9 m²的精装小高层组成,这赋予项目更好的尺度,以及更为疏朗的空间。而洋房部分,就是直接临摹了此前广受好评的沁园。

✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

The plot ratio of Chunlai Xiaoyuan is only 2.0, which is the lowest density in the city center. In order to maximize the benefits, we should have planned "high and low matching" -- the combination of high floors and row houses, which will be the most profitable. Greentown finally gave up this ultimate interest supremacy and restored the project to a more comfortable parity for each household. Its final form is composed of 1* 0-1* 0 m² hardcover houses and 9* -1* 9 m² hardcover small high-rise buildings, which gives the project a better scale and a more spacious space. And the foreign house part, is directly copied before widely praised Qin Yuan.

✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】



✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

Compared with the previous greentown neoclassicism second-generation high-rise products, the modern version of the second-generation high-rise facade represented by guangxi language family has made a more simplified processing of the three-section facade lines; On the basis of material selection, the original stone dry hanging is replaced by the use of aluminum profiles and stone imitation paint, which makes the lines of the building smooth and elegant, the whole facade is smooth and degree, and provides conditions for the exploration of window-wall ratio.

The reason for choosing guangxi language family is that the architects of Xiaoyuan Have done a lot of thinking. This mature aesthetic style can achieve stable and reliable construction technology, but also because of the unique aesthetic temperament of the guangxi language facade, more in line with the aesthetic fashion of The Times theme.

✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】


✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

The dark color expression of pearl blue, the combination of minimalist aluminum lines, large glass curtain wall and sapphire stone (house), the combination of stone imitation paint (small high-rise)... Spring Lai Xiaoyuan designers extracted many classic elements of the Guangxi language facade. True classics stand the test of time, after the Guangxi Jiangnan spring to Xiaoyuan will harvest the same heart.

✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】



✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

Of course, this is not a simple reproduction. Each piece of land has its own personality, and each greentown works also has its own unique temperament. Therefore, designers of Chunlai Xiaoyuan have made many innovative explorations for the facade of Guangxi language family.

For example, in order to present a more beautiful visual experience, on the basis of the original frame of the GUI language department, designers after a long time thinking, into the effect of line outline, let the whole facade aesthetic texture more outstanding.

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✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

For example, in small high-rise buildings and innovative use of stone paint. With high-grade synthetic resin emulsion as the main component of water-based colorful stone imitation coating, its coating texture is smooth, color integration is good, can present the pattern and color of natural stone, appearance level, function both. Compared with true stone paint and stone, both texture expression, weather resistance and service life have advantages.

Through the inheritance and innovation of mature classics, as well as the discovery and application of new decorative materials, the buildings of Greentown have a unified and unique beautiful soul. As He Min, chief planner of Chunlai Xiaoyuan, said, "Greentown houses are not just pretty."

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✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

This level of physical beauty leads to a better life. In the future, as far as the eyes of the owners and their families can see, there will be a permanent and beautiful life in the whole park.

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✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

"In terms of landscape design, Chunlai Xiao Garden pays special attention to the current people's concern for healthy life, and is also committed to creating a richer and more communicative life scene for the owners." To xiao garden in spring, the configuration and the blue Qian Jiangtong of mirror pool, fragrant garden style building of the interactive modern landscape, at the same time equipped with fitness runway, NFC motor area, badminton courts, a fantasy world, xue, BBQ square, cherry blossoms trails, of multiple topics such as pet forest regions, "let the child in love, old age is good, So that more young people can find a healthy life they like."

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✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

"When people's material needs are basically met, they pay more attention to spiritual sublimation".

At the beginning of the dialogue, HWCD Sun Zhen, who has presided over the creation of Xingdi Apartment in Xinghe Bay and Shantou International Financial City, openly recalled his creative thinking to us. He deeply understands that a more green and healthy lifestyle is emerging and advocated in contemporary international metropolises and leading first-tier cities in China. In his opinion, the green of the mind is the higher green.

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✪✪欢迎品鉴:* 0 0 - 1 * * - 1 * 1 * 转 1 2 * * 【售楼中心】

"Our original intention is to create a paradise". In the face of the final design work, Sun Zhen said, "Let people walking on the street suddenly find a paradise opened up in front of them." Therefore, the street entrance of "Zhi Xiao" Aesthetic Life Hall of Spring Lai Xiao Garden, although the application of modern materials, modern technology, but the performance of modesty, low-key, without publicity

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